
时间:2024-06-14 12:50:49 自我评价 我要投稿









  在这高温的炎夏,我们来到一个偏僻的训练基地参加军训,没有很好的睡床,没有可口的伙食,也没有父母呵 护照 顾。我们要面临的是一个艰苦的训练,在这过程中,我们有欢笑,我们有泪水,我们也有爱,酸甜苦辣全都在其中!








  The rows of the team like a tree-like standing on the lawn, the voice of the loud reverberating in each of the students. The password has changed, the formation has changed, this is the military training, an organized activities.

  Military training, is a test, hone, mature activities. Military training of childhood, purely a game; Junior military training, is just a kind of exercise; University of military training is very different, the nature can be sublimated.As long as 12 days of military training, so I understand too much life philosophy, only a word I feel the deepest, no pains, a harvest. Military training really feel it after the connotation.

  Sunny, students are facing the sun in the station Junzi. North of the sun, the sun is dry on the skin, the students of the South is even more can not stand.Basking in the eyes are open. This is my deep feeling. But no matter who did not flinch, in the fight with the sun. In the station Junzi, the students pay the higher the effort to stand better. Qi step, running and other training are a lot of physical activity, as long as serious to do it will be able to Qi, run together.The same is true for house training. Take a stack, for example. It takes a long time to press and is thin. The buckle is detained for a long time and can be shaped.

  No pain, a harvest, it is true Yeah, did not pay no gain. Twelve days of military training, for each student is how hard, pay less in training how can there be greater gains? I hope everyone in the world can realize the true meaning of this one, to do well, have to pay; to do better, have to pay more.

  Military training, I believe experienced or not experienced people are tired of its reaction, bitter. Indeed, strict work and rest time, long training, hot dazzling sun ... ... This allows us to have been spoiled people who really can not bear to eat a bit. But experienced a military training in addition to the reaction bitter, tired, I believe there will be some feelings, I was like this.

  I remember high school military training, we are more bitter than the military training of this university. At that time we are fifteen-year-old, every morning Meng Mengliang you have to grab to military training for an hour, and then eat breakfast, after dinner and began training. Morning to 12:00, 5:00 pm to the end of the evening but also study hall, do not say anything else on the military training time enough to drag people. Moreover, the temperature in our south is much higher than in the north, where it was the heat of September. Anyway, when you do not even want to wear military training dry clothes. Training process, from time to time someone down, crying more people. But the military training after the end of a whole year, we are particularly miss that life. Think, ah, and the new acquaintance with the students in the hot sweat, tears, and black, handsome instructors at rest, and from time to time to tease instructors: do not pay attention when the instructors do little tricks, and then in And instructors were crying when miles apart, pulling his hand would not let him go. Really very interesting, very moving!

  And now experience the University of military training, people grow up the ability to endure the ability of the bar may be strong, in addition to the sun a bit violent feeling not tired before. But the military training time longer than before, and fellow students to establish the feelings of even more profound, especially as I am far away from the parents of students, military training really gave us a good adaptation process. In the process of military training, the tense and tense training not only reduced our homesickness, to eliminate our strangeness, but also exercise our ability to endure hardship and independent living. But also through the study of military theory also allows us to understand the significance of military training and enhance the patriotic consciousness, but also allow themselves more of a sense of responsibility, I feel a lot of maturity.





  三年级时,看大哥哥大姐姐军训时,还以为很好玩,自己真正穿上军服训练时,才感到很苦很累,心里有说不出的酸甜苦辣,我们那难咽的苦涩,它给我们的印象是很深刻的,还让我们懂得了独立、团结、 自强。



  The training of more than 5,000 new students, training instructors more than 200 people. Shihezi University in the military and the School of Arranging the Office of the Organization Department of the serious organization, the leadership of the College, the teacher's active cooperation, the training was carried out in an orderly, sound and color. All instructors adhere to the "strict requirements, strict training, in strict accordance with the rules of action" approach, both to ensure the seriousness of military training students, while focusing on scientific teaching, starting from the students work discipline, take strict training and student practice, science Management, highlighting the fundamental goal of educating people, so that students with full enthusiasm into the military training. In the training ground, all participating students to carry forward the "blood and sweat do not shed tears, lost skin off the flesh," the spirit of practice in the hot sun practice, until the master of every action essentials. Some students still adhere to the training of students twisting the foot; some students adhere to the training field for the instructor and the students end tea water.

  Some instructors are hoarse voice, and some instructors sick, but they still insist on the front line. From the instructors who, the students learned the fine tradition of hard-working soldiers, perseverance and selfless dedication of the noble work style. Since the training, the College of military training to give a high degree of attention, Medical College of Huang Peng, deputy secretary of the College of Li Gang, deputy secretary of the competition, Guo Feng, deputy head of the School of Economics, Chaifu Cheng, deputy secretary of Political Science and Law Zheng Deputy secretary of the College of Literature and Art, Chen Yu, deputy secretary of the Normal College, College of Animal Science and Technology, deputy secretary of the Haopeng, Electrical and Mechanical College of Bin often to the training field to visit the military training students, Teachers College published military briefing. In the process of military training, the director of the school and grade counselors, every day to the training site, to understand the training situation, to help instructors to solve practical problems. In particular, the Teachers College and the College of Literature and Art also specially organized the military training report performance of the college, the attention and participation of colleges and departments, and played a positive role in safeguarding the smooth implementation of the military training.

  Students, more than 10 days of military training, in people's life is short, but to participate in such a special event, for students, it is very memorable and precious. Students and instructors live together, training together, learning the military, learning politics, cultivating style, physical exercise, in many ways have made significant progress. Students from the instructors of the words and deeds, every move, learned the military dedication and excellent quality, sublimation of his life value and ideological quality. Students, we want to maintain and carry forward the military training in the military training spirit: obey orders, discipline; unity and cooperation, love the collective; heroic tenacious, hard-working; proactive, and strive to advanced. Do worthy of the motherland, worthy of the times, worthy of the people of qualified students. I hope the students in the future study and life, continue to go beyond the self, and constantly train themselves, consolidate the military training results, from the military instructors who learned a good idea, good style, good tradition, continue to flourish and promote style of study and school . At the same time, we must conscientiously study the professional knowledge, master the excellent science and technology and skills, to train themselves into a thick foundation, wide professional, strong ability, high-quality adaptive talents.

  Students, July 5 Urumqi, a vandalism burning violent violent crime occurred, which is led by Kadeer and the "World Peacekeeping Club" and other domestic and foreign "three forces" to instigate, plan and organize the command together Heinous violent terror. The military training at this time will further enhance the sense of national identity, the identity of the Chinese nation, the identity of the Chinese culture and the identity of China's ad hoc socialist road. This will further strengthen our support for national reunification, strengthening national unity, Maintain stability in Xinjiang, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Students, tomorrow is the 60th anniversary of the school, 60 years to promote the spirit of the broad masses of teachers and students of the school to overcome the difficulties in the Gobi Desert to create our brilliant today, the country has trained a batch of qualified personnel for XinjiangEconomic construction, social development, national unity and the peaceful and happy life of all ethnic groups have made important contributions to highlight the "spirit of the Corps to educate people for the garrison and garrison services" distinctive school characteristics. Let us wish the school every success, as early as the western advanced, regional first-class, internationally renowned. A distinctive high-level comprehensive university.

  Finally, once again to bear the military training of the National Defense students to express my heartfelt thanks! I wish teachers happy teachers Teachers Day; I wish students success in their studies, the future bright!







































  I still remember the high military training day of the scorching sun and instructors severe reprimand, and a blink of an eye, I have to participate in the military training of the freshman. Fast time, such as sand between the fingers, the passage of time ... ...

  Military training, seeping tears and sweat, reveals a deep breath, a high degree of tension and agile vigorous action all constitute a beautiful scenery of the road. We wear uniforms, from the original lazy pace to a few days after the uniform, the original spoiled to a few days after the strong independence.Military training these days, brought us in addition to muscle aches, more of a life understanding, it allows us to learn too much in the study usually can not learn something. Military training hone our will, to push some of our lives to the limit, our mental outlook is also a new look.

  Gradually, I found that when I walk will naturally rise to the chest, and I stand will be habitually straight spine, and I will be a person's time to hum the song "Sunset Xishan Hongxia Fei, the soldiers Bus to the camp ... ... "the. These are due to military training and change.

  In the military training, we suffer, tired, laugh. We stand under the hot sun, the skin dark day by day, in the storm running, the whole body soaked; we practice to practice neatly, and repeatedly to practice; know the body aches and pain; We learn to sing military songs, and instructors talk, laughter One after another. This is a kind of pain and happy with the good memories, but also our group of young people in this new era of valuable wealth. I think we these children, eat too little suffering, and need military training to hone.

  In military training, my favorite is the military posture. Junzi is the most beautiful posture, feet apart about 60 °, heel together, his hands close to the pants sewn, before and after close without leaving gaps, shoulders after Zhang, abdomen, under the amount of micro-income, the rise of chest, visualAhead. Junzi show is the demeanor of the military, but also reflects a calm indignation of the United States, firm, strong, determined. Hard bone proud sky, the wind proud of wind and frost. Station Junzi, the sense of equity shares awe-inspiring integrity of the rainbow. If youth is the first song, that is one of the most sonorous melody.

  Said the soldier is the most lovely, in this military training, I finally realized the meaning of this sentence. Instructors were loud passwords, neat steps, I am deeply impressed. "One, two, three, four" slogan sound, at some point, I actually felt the world's most beautiful voice. When the instructor with a hoarse throat singing the song "the first day of a soldier," I can not help but shed tears, a kind of feelings in the heart eruption, it is the military's deep respect.

  People only after experiencing setbacks will become more mature, in the face of difficulties will be more strong. We put down a sad, carefully picked up the intermittent dream, with devout faith and unwavering determination, active in the university, in life, move forward.

  Military training as the days after the soil after the storm, after numerous scrubbing, eventually settling down, until into the bottom of my life ... ...

  Military training, really let me learn a lot, the unity between the students love, teachers and students love, military sentiments, a lot of common feelings fermentation, cemented my mind the most beautiful memories!



































